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Council Highlights – March 10, 2025

Regular Council Meeting – February 10, 2025 

A Public Hearing was scheduled to take place prior to the Regular Council Meeting, but upon not receiving any objections to the proposed 2025 Local Improvement Projects, this meeting was not required.  


  • Regular Council Meeting – February 10, 2025 
  • Committee of the Whole Meeting – February 24, 2025 
  • Special Council Meeting – February 24, 2025 


  • Presentation by Jennifer Brown of Dillon Consulting with a progress update on the Municipal Plan Review. This aims to align Riverview’s development with the current and future community needs and growth for approximately the next ten years. The new plan and by-law are forward-thinking tools that will reflect the town’s evolving demand for commercial, residential, institutional, community, and other significant infrastructure while preserving its character and values. The new vision for development in Riverview centers around the statement that “Riverview is a dynamic community where people thrive, businesses prosper, and the natural environment is balanced with growth, providing a high quality of life for all.” Updates so far include changes to the approach to residential development that is developer friendly and respects community character and established built form, an approach to Town Centre that maintains Riverview’s character, and an approach to commercial development that is aligned with existing patterns with the flexibility to respond to market changes. Next steps in this process include the continuation of monthly Plan Review Committee meetings and a draft of the Zoning By-Law by mid-May, followed by a Council workshop and public engagement.  


  • Council approved grants to the Codiac Cyclones Speed Skating Club in the amount of $1,000, and the Riverview Knights of Colombus Council 9270 – Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in the amount of $800. 
  • The motion to cease use of the Town’s X (Twitter) social media channel was defeated 4-3 with the mayor breaking the tie. While the proposed motion touched on increasing polarity on the platform and concerns over its ownership, opposition to this motion emphasized that Council’s role is not to direct operational decisions. Staff will continue to monitor the evolving social media landscape and resident engagement across platforms to make strategic operational decisions that affect the Town’s ability to reach residents with important information.  
  • Council approved the new Code of Conduct Policy in Town Facilities and Upgrades to the Recreational Areas By-Law 300-20-01.  
  • Council approved a proposed update to the Traffic By-Law, where the new wording requires that if street sports are being played there must be no obstructions that would hinder the flow of traffic. Previously the By-Law prohibited playing in the streets. Playing in the street is still a part of the Motor Vehicle Act.  
  • Council approved the suggested process for future CRPA Budget Proposals.  


  • Council passed the first reading, by title only, to By-Law 300-25-36, A By-Law Relating to Local Improvements in the Town of Riverview (Garland Drive).  
  • Council passed the first reading, by title only, to By-Law 300-25-37, a By-Law Relating to Local Improvements in the Town of Riverview (Pinegrove Drive).  
  • Council passed the first reading, by title only, to By-Law 300-25-38, a By-Law Relating to Local Improvements in the Town of Riverview (Vernon Avenue).  
  • Council passed the first reading, by title only, and second reading, in full, to By-Law 700-12-1, a By-Law Relating to Regulation of Traffic, Parking, and Use of Streets in the Town of Riverview.   
  • Council passed the first reading, by title only, to By-Law 300-250-01, a By-Law Relating to Recreational Areas in the Town of Riverview.  



  • Council moved to give assent to the creation of a portion of Mitton Road
  • Council moved to award Tender 25-01 Asphalt Concrete Patching on various streets to MacDonald Paving and Construction, a division of Miller Paving Limited, in the amount of $479,050 plus HST.    
  • Council moved to award procurement of RFP 25-39 – Consulting Services for the Supply and Installation of Sports Field Lighting to Roadway Systems Limited in the amount of $150,750 plus HST.   
  • Council moved to award Tender 25-50 – Street Paving & Curb Work on various streets to MacArthur’s Paving and Construction Co. Inc. in the amount of $943,807.50 plus HST.  
  • Council moved to award Tender 25-65 – Traffic Signals on Coverdale Road at Trites Road to Modern Construction (1983) Limited in the amount of $297,080 plus HST.  
  • Council moved to adopt the Land Acquisition and Disposition Policy as the framework for managing land transactions within the Town of Riverview. This policy formalizes the process of managing municipally owned and acquired land effectively, equitably, and in alignment with Town Council’s strategic goals and priorities.  
  • Council moved to approve the creation of a Secondary Plan for the Lands in Bridgedale, Gunningsville & Robertson Neighbourhood. This portion of land is owned by several property owners, and this proposal will remove the barrier of developers needing to provide a secondary plan for the entire collection of land for development to happen.   


  • Mayor LeBlanc extended congratulations to former Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold for her recent appointment as a Senator, and issued thanks for the work she has done for our region in her time serving on Council and as mayor.  



Council meets next on Monday, March 24, 2025 for a Committee of the Whole meeting. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website, and the agenda for the meeting will be available prior to the meeting on the Town of Riverview  Council Meetings webpage. For more information, contact or call (506) 387-2136.       

Visit our Council Meetings page to watch archived and upcoming Council meetings.