2024 Years of Service Awards
At the end of each year, we recognize and thank employees who have reached milestones in their careers with the Town of Riverview. Whether it's a tenure of five years or 35, our employees' daily contributions, dedication and talent make our organization and community stronger.
Those celebrating in 2024 include:
5 years of service
Thomas Griesbaum
Derek Ferguson
Geoff Crossman
Bernie Melanson
David Mullins
Wayne Ridings
Jordan Scholl
Colette Hayman
10 years of service
Jeff Carruthers
Randy Cleary
Darrin Colpitts
Ryan Hicks
Andrew Hudson
Jordan Maxwell
Benjamin Milton
Colin Smith
Matthew Wilson
15 years of service
Ash Arrowsmith
Shawni Lewis
Joshua McKinnon
Bradley Pooley
Steve Shaffer
Paul Williamson
25 years of service
Cathy Molnar
35 years of service
Heather Shea
A special recognition to Heather Shea who retired earlier this year, after proudly serving Riverview throughout her remarkable 35-year career - making her one of the longest-serving employees in the Town's history.

Another special mention goes out to mother/son duo Colette Hayman and Jordan Maxwell for celebrating their years of service milestones together today.