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Tue, Jun 13, 2023
AT 13:51 PM ADT


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A park playground structure on a sunny day

Statement from Mayor LeBlanc

“As many residents have seen, the Rebecca Schofield All World Super Play Park at Frank L. Bowser Elementary School was defaced late Sunday evening. This was not your average vandalism, or a petty prank, this was a hate crime. The setting of a beloved park and school where our children play makes this act even more distressing.   
Let me be clear that antisemitism, and any form of racism or discrimination, has no place here in Riverview. As Council, we are working toward creating a safe and inclusive community where all feel welcome. This recent crime is in stark contrast to that.  

I have heard from members of our Jewish community who have been shaken and deeply disturbed by this crime. Promoting hatred will not be tolerated and is a criminal offence.  

We are working closely with the Anglophone East School District and the RCMP to address this incident and fully support an investigation. We hope the offenders can be brought to justice, as the severity of this senseless crime deserves. If you have any information, I urge you to contact the Codiac RCMP (506) 857-2400 or Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). 

On behalf of the Town of Riverview, I extend my sincere support to the Jewish community, and all families who were affected by this crime. May love continue to speak louder than hate. Let us be inspired by Rebecca’s message in this time of hurt and disbelief, “[kindness and positivity] are a choice, and it’s not one you make once, it’s a choice you make every day.” Spread kindness, Riverview. #BeccaToldUsTo”

Andrew J. LeBlanc
Mayor of Riverview