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Wed, May 10, 2023
AT 11:38 AM ADT


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Council Highlights - May 8, 2023

Public Hearing 

A Public Hearing was held as the Town of Riverview is considering an amendment to the Zoning By-Law. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to rezone a portion of the property bearing PID 00993915 from R1 to R3 to permit the construction of two multi-unit residential buildings on Buckingham Avenue. 

Residents shared concerns regarding the development, including traffic, safety, affordable housing, and environmental impact. Residents also expressed concerns about current issues on Buckingham Avenue including traffic, speeding, underground infrastructure and by-law enforcement. Council asked clarifying questions to the Planner and Developer prior to closing the public hearing process.  


Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights.  

Regular Council Meeting – May 8, 2023


  • Regular Council Meeting - April 11, 2023 
  • Committee of the Whole Meeting - April 24, 2023 
  • Special Council Meeting - April 24, 2023 



  • Council moved that a Public Hearing to consider objections to the proposed by-law rezoning to accommodate a multi-unit development on Hillsborough Road, be scheduled for Monday, July 10, 2023 at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers; and Zoning By-law 300-7-11 be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for its written views. 
  • Council moved that Riverview Town Council accept the staff recommendation that funds for a comprehensive Electric Vehicle Strategy be considered in the 2024 Municipal Budget process, prior to the installation of EV charging stations by the Town of Riverview. 
  • Council moved that Riverview Town Council accept the recommendation that the bus route for Patricia Drive, provided by Codiac Transpo, be cancelled due to lack of ridership. 
  • Community Investment Grants - Council awarded community investment grants to Greater Moncton Music Festival ($500), RHS Girls Night In ($500); MAGMA (Mosaiq Festival) ($5000). 


First reading, by title-only. 


  • Council moved that the Request for Proposal #23-34 - Riverview Recreation Complex - Project Management Services be awarded to Colliers Project Leaders Inc. in the amount of $454,115.00 plus HST 
  • Council moved that Riverview Town Council award provisional design services under the Request for Proposal #22-34 - Riverview Recreation Complex to MJMA/Acres Architecture up to $2,405,110.00 plus HST  
  • Council moved that Riverview Town Council award Tender 23-85 for the Runneymeade Standpipe Upgrades and Relining to MacDonald Applicators Ltd. in the amount of $1,184,853.85 plus HST (payable over a two-year period 2023-2024).  


The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will be Tuesday, May 23, 2023. 

Council will next meet for the Regular Council meeting on Monday, June 12 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website.  Watch archived and upcoming Council meetings here and find the agenda available on Thursday prior to the meeting.