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Wed, May 15, 2024
AT 13:53 PM ADT


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Council Highlights - May 13, 2024

Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights.  

A Public Hearing was held as the Town of Riverview is considering amendments to the Future Land Use Map and Zoning By-law.  

The proposed amendments (By-laws 300-33-6 and 300-7-14) are to redesignate the properties on Hillsborough Road bearing PIDs 05122759 (formerly 05009949) and 00642736 from CU – Community Use to C - Commercial, and to rezone said properties from OS – Open Space to SC – Suburban Commercial to permit a drive-thru restaurant and service station. Riverview Town Council is also considering an amendment to the Future Roads Map (Municipal Plan By-law 300-33-7) forming part of Municipal Development Plan By-Law 300-33.   

A Public Hearing was then held for the Stopping up and Closing of Highways – Mitton Road (By-Law 300-35-6). This road is essentially a driveway to a single residence. The Town is performing some upgrade work on the road this summer and will then transfer it to the owner of the residence. There were no written submissions or comments from the gallery. 




  • Public Hearing (Whitepine/Pine Glen Rd) – April 9, 2024 
  • Public Presentation (Hillsborough Rd & Future Roads Use Map) – April 9, 2024 
  • Regular Council Meeting – April 9, 2024 
  • Committee of the Whole Meeting – April 22, 2024 
  • Special Council Meeting – April 22, 2024 



  • Council approved the recommendation to approve the route for the 2024 Grad Parade 
  • Council approved the recommendation to direct staff to proceed with option one as outlined in Council Report Form dated April 12, 2024; and further that the proposed new lane-marking plan be implemented on Hillsborough Road once the street resurfacing is completed.  
  • Council approved the recommendation to award a grant to the Second Chance Workshop/Enviro Plus in the amount of $1,000.  
  • Council approved the recommendation to request to the Provincial Government that streetlights be installed along Findlay Boulevard from the Brenda Robertson Bridge to Whitepine Road.  


  • By-Law 300-7-12 (Hillsborough Rd) second reading by section only was defeated. 
  • By-Law 300-33-5 (Pine Glen @ Whitepine) second reading by section only and third reading by title only was passed. 
  • By-Law 300-7-13 (Pine Glen @ Whitepine) second reading by section only and third reading by title only was passed.  
  • By-Law 300-33-6 (Future Roads Map) first reading by title only was passed. 
  • By-Law 300-7-14 (Hillsborough Rd – OS – SC) first reading by title only was passed. 
  • By-Law 300-35-6 (Mitton Rd) first reading by title only was passed.  


  • Council passed a motion for the Transfer of Cash in Lieu to authorize the transfer of $30,000 from the 2024 General Operating Fund to the Parkland Reserve Fund. 
  • Council passed a motion to authorize the sale of PID 05005665 to Icon Developments Inc. for $500,000 (plus applicable HST). 
  • Council approved a motion for the Town to proceed with an agreement with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for the Housing Accelerator Fund program.  


  • Councillors Throne and Bennett brought forward comments from residents regarding an increase in car break-ins. RCMP Staff Sargeant has been asked for an update on auto thefts in the area at the next Committee of the Whole meeting on May 27.  


The Committee of the Whole next meets on May 27, 2024. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website, and the agenda for the meeting will be available the Thursday prior to the meeting on the Town of Riverview Council Meetings webpage. For more information, contact or call (506) 387-2136.

Visit our website to watch archived and upcoming Council meetings.