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Tue, Jul 9, 2024
AT 16:45 PM ADT


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Council Highlights – July 8, 2024

Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights.  

Prior to the meeting, Mayor LeBlanc expressed condolences on behalf of The Town of Riverview to Former-Mayor Cudmore's loved ones for his recent passing.

Regular Council Meeting

Adoption of the Minutes

  • Public Hearing - June 11, 2024 

  • Regular Council Meeting - June 11, 2024 

  • Committee of the Whole Meeting - June 24, 2024 

  • Special Council Meeting - June 24, 2024 

petitions, presentations & Delegation

Recommendations from Committee of the Whole

  • Amendment to Community Investment Policy - Council moved to amend the Community investment Policy to include an update regarding a grant program for Riverview High School that provides the opportunity for student government to administer the funds to student-led groups for events and community engagement.  


  • Council passed the second reading, by section only, and third reading, by title only 

New Business

Introduction of New Financial Incentive Programs   

  • Introduction of Garden and In-Law Suite Development Grant - A grant proposal was introduced to address the missing middle of Riverview’s housing opportunity, which would allow existing property owners to add an in-law suite or rental apartment capacity. This funding would help those exploring this option of expanding their property for family living or increasing their affordability through long-term rental income.  

  • Introduction of Affordable Barrier-Free and 3-Bedroom Unit Development Grant - A grant proposal was introduced to Council which aims to incentivize affordable barrier-free and 3-bedroom unit development in Riverview. 

  • Council resolved that the Town of Riverview authorize the transfer of $40,000.00 from the 2024 General Operating Fund to the Parkland Reserve Fund. These funds will satisfy the subdivision requirements related to the cash amount paid by Pineridge Living Ltd in lieu of parkland for the subdivision proposal at PID 05005665 on Whitepine Rd. 

  • Council approved the progress report on the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan which was originally created in 2015. Over the last eight years, a substantial amount has been accomplished but there is still more to do. The report outlines the refined priorities moving forward. Read more about our progress and what’s next for Riverview’s sustainable future. 

  • Council approved a reciprocal agreement with Anglophone East School district for the maintenance of community assets and access to school district facilities.  

Growing Canada’s Community Canopies Initiative - Resolution to consent to funding application) 

  • Council passed a resolution to consent to applying for funding through the FCM Green Municipal Fund for the Growing Canada's Community Canopies Initiative which would help the Town plant more trees, beginning in 2025. 

Grants Report July 2024 



The Committee of the Whole next meets on August 12, 2024. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website, and the agenda for the meeting will be available the Thursday prior to the meeting on the Town of Riverview Council Meetings webpage. For more information, contact or call (506) 387-2136.

Visit our website to watch archived and upcoming Council meetings.