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Fri, Jul 7, 2023
AT 10:48 AM ADT


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Council Highlights - July 10, 2023

Public Hearing 

A Public Hearing was held as the Town of Riverview is considering an amendment to the Zoning By-Law. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to rezone a portion of the property bearing PID 05029319 from Single Unit Residential (R1) to Multiple Unit Dwelling (R3) to permit the construction of two multi-unit residential buildings on Hillsborough Road.

  • Presentation by Kirk Brewer, Regional Planner, Plan360 
  • Presentation by Simon Ikuseru, Pinecrest Developments
  • Presentation by Dan Robichaud, "Keep it R1"
  • Review of written submissions 
  • Comments from the Gallery 

Residents shared concerns regarding the development, including traffic, property values, privacy, drainage, and environmental impact. Council asked clarifying questions to the Planner and Developer prior to closing the public hearing process.  


Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights. 


Regular Council Meeting – July 10, 2023



· Public Hearing/Regular Council Meeting – June 12, 2023

· Committee of the Whole Meeting – June 26, 2023

· Special Council Meeting - June 26, 2023 





  • Council approved the establishment of the Barb Hurlbut Scholarship for Leadership and Aquatics in the amount of $2,000 per year, commencing in 2024. This will provide an additional incentive to offer students who serve as lifeguards and help the Town recruit more staff.
  • Council approved a motion to direct staff to authorize Stantec Consulting Ltd. to proceed with a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment to establish an environmental closure plan for the former public works site (Pine Glen & Whitepine) and use available funding in the 2023 General Operating budget to complete the project.  


First reading, by title-only. 

  • By-Law 300-7-11, A By-Law to Amend the Town of Riverview Zoning By-Law - the motion was defeated.


To be considered at the August 14 Regular Council Meeting

  • By-Law 100-10-5 Procedural By-Law - Councillor Cassista proposed changes to the Procedural By-Law so that Council cannot revisit a decision until 12 months after the decision is made.
  • Council Conference Attendance - UMNB and FCM - Councillor Cassista proposed changes to allow Council members attending UMNB or FCM conferences to receive financial support from the Town for expenses not covered by the associations.



  • Tender 23-86 Riverview Fire Station Facility Natural Gas Conversion - Council approved Tender 23-86 for Riverview Fire Station Facility Natural Gas conversion and awarded it to PMC Energy in the amount of $155,000 plus HST.
  • Riverview Recreation Complex - Contribution Agreement and Revised Scope - Council passed a motion to accept a proposed donation of $2 million toward the Riverview Recreation Complex in order to add two additional lanes to the aquatics facility, increasing the capacity of the pool to 10, 25 meter lanes. Council also gave direction to staff to explore the feasibility of including an outdoor skatepark in the plans for the Riverview Recreation Centre's scope.
  • EMO - Winter Parking Ban Alert System - Council approved the purchase of QIT Canada's Guardian IMS alert system, in the amount of $20,997.28 to be used to facilitate the new winter parking ban alert system, as well as improve emergency measures operations for the Town.



Council will next meet for the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, August 14th at 4 p.m.

The meeting will be live-streamed on our website.

Visit to view it and find the agenda available on Thursday prior to the meeting. For more information contact; 506-387-213