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Housing Accelerator Fund Garden and In-Law Suite Development Grant

Applicant Contact Information
Mailing Address of Property Owner
Agent Contact Information (if applicable)
Mailing Address
Property Information
Confirmation that the Property is connected to municipal water and sewer systems*
Development Information

Please provide a detailed description of the proposed development taking place on the site. This could include dwelling size and type (i.e., affordable, barrier-free, and/or 3-bedroom) and quantities for each, construction materials, preliminary plans, cost estimates, financing/funding confirmations, etc.). Please clearly identify units submitted for consideration. We ask that you please attach any relevant documents/details to this application form, for example detailed construction drawings, plans, estimates, contracts, financing/funding confirmations, if available:

Select the 1st day of the estimated month
Select the 1st day of the estimated month
Certifications and Undertakings

I/WE HEREBY APPLY for a Grant under this program.

I/WE HEREBY AGREE to abide by the terms and conditions of the Housing Accelerator Fund Garden and In-Law Suite Development Grant as specified in this application.

I/WE HEREBY AGREE to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Town of Riverview that specifies the terms and conditions of the Housing Accelerator Fund Garden and In-Law Suite Development Grant.

I/WE HEREBY AGREE that a Grant under the Program is contingent upon the new accessory dwelling being rented as a long term residential rental property (not a short-term rental property) with initial tenancy under a written residential lease having a term of at least one year in duration.

I/WE HEREBY GRANT PERMISSION to the Town, or its delegates, to make inquiries with the proposed tenant(s) of the accessory dwelling indicated on the lease (and we will facilitate this process by providing contact particulars for such tenants) to confirm the bona fides of the lease presented in support of the Grant.

I/WE HEREBY GRANT PERMISSION to the Town, or its delegates, to inspect my/our property prior to, during, and after environmental remediation, site rehabilitation and project construction.

I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the property for which this application is submitted is in compliance with all Town of Riverview zoning provisions, as identified in the Municipal Plan, Zoning By-Law No. 300-7 and any other applicable municipal by-laws.

I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the property is not subject to any outstanding work orders or any enforcement procedures of any governmental authority.

I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the property for which this application is being submitted is not in a position of property tax arrears, and that all owed property taxes have been paid.

I/We HEREBY CERTIFY that the property for which this application is being submitted is not in a position of municipal water/sewer arrears, and that all water/sewer account assessments have been paid.

I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the information contained in this application is true, correct and complete in every respect and may be verified by the Town of Riverview by such inquiry as it deems appropriate, including inspection of the property for which this application is being made.

I/WE HEREBY AGREE that the program for which this application has been made herein is subject to cancellation and/or change at any time by the Town of Riverview in its sole discretion, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the program.