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Annual Grants, Donations, Sponsorships

The application period for Annual Grants is now open.

Please ensure your application is submitted before the November 30 deadline. 

General Information

Funding Requested

Sponsorship grants are awarded to organizations for event or tournament hosting, travel subsidies, inkind assistance or facility discounts in excess of $500. Only one Sponsorship Application is permitted from each organization per year.

Funding Requested

Donations are requests less than $500 for individual support, event support such as tickets, funding assistance or promotional items, in-kind assistance or facility discounts. Only one Donation Application is permitted from each organization per year.

Funding Requested

Annual grants are awarded to organizations for programs, projects or operating expenses. Successful recipients of annual grants will not be eligible for other sponsorships or donations in the same grant year.

Are you currently receiving or have you received funding from the Town of Riverview in the last 4 years?
Grant Received
Are you an incorporated not-for-profit organization?
Are you a registered charity?
Are you a sporting organization?
Does your organization have a volunteer board of directors or executive?
Please list your board/executive members
Is your organization in “good standing” with the Town of Riverview?
In your answer please also include details of your main activities and the people who benefit from these activities.

Donation Application

Sponsorship Application

Annual Grant Application

Donation/Grant/Sponsorship Application
Please choose the type of funding requested
Which of the Community Priority Areas does your event positively contribute to? (Check all that apply)
Which of the Community Priority Areas does your event positively contribute to? (Check all that apply)
Approximately how many people will benefit from the activities supported by the funding?
Program Participants / Audience Members
Event Attendees
Total Number of Beneficiaries
How will the Town of Riverview be recognized for this contribution? Please provide details.
If applying for a travel subsidy
Is the participant 18 years of age or older?
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Financial Information
Earned income
User fees
Private donations
Confirmed Potential
In-kind (other)
Total Revenue


Salaries and benefits
Rent or mortgage
Program/project supplies
Advertising and promotion
Total Expenses
(if applicant is under the age of 18 years)